And I'll tell you what....

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Every Christian seems to want to know (or Should want to know), What is My ministry?  Where am I supposed to be working? What am I supposed to do?  Ministry is a little like any other job, in that there are things we have to do First to get ready.
  The first step with any job is Training.  If you are looking at a career, then you would likely go to college, study, learn everything you can about your chosen area, then Hopefully move into maybe an internship, an on-the-job training program. Eventually, we learn more, maybe take more training, and move on up the ladder into more and more responsible positions.
  Is ministry any different?  There seems to be an idea that Christians get these special "gifts" which Instantly qualify them for upper management positions.  I have the gift of teaching, so put me right into the classroom.  I have the gift of Pastor, so where is my pulpit!  
  God is a wise employer.  He is more than happy to hire the completely untrained...but isn't going to leave them that way!!!  He created each of us with natural talents, but the intention is that these natural abilities will be enhanced with knowledge and honed with experience.  That means, when we start walking with God, He is going to lead us into the places where we will begin to sharpen our gifts.
   This applies to all of us!!!  Remember the old saying "Bloom where you are planted"?  Where Are you right now?  Working at a secular job, home with the kids, going to school.....  Ok, take a second and look around.... what are you doing to further the ministry the Lord has called you to?  Home with the kids? Are you working on studying the Word? Are you learning to Love your family and express that Love in ways that they understand? Are you learning to be compassionate with your spouse?  I'm not trying to scold or scorn here.... its just that, if we choose to take a good look at our surroundings, our present situations, and see that if we are to minister, then we have the opportunity Right Now to start studying, and Practicing the skills which will be required of us.
  If you were called to be a missionary to a non-English speaking country, wouldn't it seem like a good idea to start learning the language? Study the culture? Of Course!  Would a wise employer send a new employee off to do a job that they have no experience or training for?  
  What training do you need?  I don't just mean book learning, but that is sure a big one!  If you don't Know the Bible, how are you going to share it?  If you are to share the gospel message, you best know it backwards and forwards, you better have answers to the questions a skeptic might ask, better be prepared to give them the information they need to start reading and studying for themselves.  
  Feeling called to a ministry that speaks to large groups?  Do you think that is just going to Poof be easy and you are going to be awesome?  Um... doesn't work that way!  How bout taking a public speaking class, what about learning to write a speech to present your points in an effective way .  
 What ever ministry the Lord is leading you to, He has given you the opportunity, Right Now, to start practicing, learning, studying, and ministering!  If you start practicing where you are, when the time comes for a larger ministry, time to move up to a more responsible position you will be Ready!  
   So get to work right now, Today!  Figure out what you need to do to prepare yourself!