And I'll tell you what....

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lies vs truths

10 Lies We Believe (and Scriptures to Combat Them!)

1. I am not good enough.(You are a royal daughter of the King. 1 Peter 2:9)

2. I might fail. (God goes before you and doesn’t want you to worry! Deuteronomy 3:18)

3.  I might not have enough money. (God is Jehovahthat means provider. He will  meet all of your needs for His glory! Philippians 4:19)

4. There seems to be no way. This is impossible.(Jesus IS the WAY. John 14:6)

5. How will I make it? Which way should I go?(Pray to God, He will show the right path. Seek His word; it will light your way. Psalm 119:105)

6. I am not pretty enough or the right weight. (God knit you in your mother’s womb and YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made! Jeremiah 1, Psalm 139)

7. I might mess up my future. (God knows His plans for you to prosper YOU and not for evil or harm! Believe that! Trust in God! Jeremiah 29:11)

8. I can sin and no one will know. (God sees all things and knows all things. Romans 6:23, Job 28:24)

9. There won’t be a consequence for my sin.(God is our Father and disciplines those He LOVES. When He corrects you, it is for YOUR good. Proverbs 3:12)

10. I am a failure. God doesn’t love me. (God SO LOVED YOU He sent and GAVE His ONE and only Son Jesus to die for your sins on the cross. There is no condemnation in Christ–You are healed by the blood of Jesus on Calvary. John 3:16)

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” –Deuteronomy 3:10

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