And I'll tell you what....

Monday, March 28, 2011

Humble myself

I wrote a note yesterday, posted it before this, and got a wonderful comment back that just made me feel Wonderful!  Herb McClenahan I am not sure how you are seeing into my circumstances when you don't even know where I live so it must be God speaking through his word through you the person who brings his word Thanks for being faithful to deliver the word of the Lord when he tells you to. Now please pray that those for whom this word was meant will be able to find the strength to act on the word

The problem was that I was feeling pretty darn good about Myself I don't think I was taking it as great praise of ME but it still was making me feel pretty good that I was able to "speak the Word".  Was reading something and it said the guy was getting all this praise for his speaking ability and it suddenly hit him that everyone was talking about him and not about God!  Ooops I had to check my response to Herb to make sure I didn't do that and I guess I did ok, but my feelings I really had to put in check Big time!!  I wanted mom and several other people to read what he had said, you know, so they could see what a good job I was doing.  Yep, I felt about 1/2 inch tall when it hit me!  I'm nothing, just a clay pot, a vessel to be used, not something special!  whew... not that it was too hard a pill to swallow Now, but I could see it becoming a real source of pride for me!  Thank you Lord Jesus for knocking me off that pedestal Right Now!!!

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