And I'll tell you what....

Sunday, December 9, 2018

To X or not to X

    My last note was a quick history of the X used in Xmas so the question remains, do we X or not? My personal view comes down to this, no matter what my belief is on the usage of the X, I can't in good conscience use it.  Since it is a point of controversy with so many, it would be completely wrong of me to use it. It can easily offend Christians who view it as a removal of "Christ", and non believers can see it as another way Christians are wishy-washy about Jesus. 
    The issue becomes the way it is Viewed, instead of whether it is right or wrong. The Bible addresses This issue directly.  Some of the early Christians were eating food that other Christians thought was unclean.  Is it right or wrong?? they wanted to know! Why? So they could point at the others and Accuse them! Which is the bigger problem, the accusing and dissension or the eating "bad" food? The Bible says it might be Lawful to eat it, as in other areas, we might be Ok in doing something, but if its going to cause a problem, then Don't Do it! 
    How does that apply now? It might not be a Sin to dress a certain way, celebrate a holiday in a certain way, use certain language, drink alcohol, get a tattoo, read a certain book...Oh, the list is endless. If God has not specifically lined out His standard regarding one of the hundreds of things we Christians argue about, then we have to use the discernment the Lord puts within each of us. Suppose I think something is perfectly fine.  It's not a sin as far as I can ascertain, after seeking the Lord's guidance (and I mean Truly Seeking Him, not just assuming He's ok with it cause I didn't get struck by lightening!)  So, I go and do that thing... and even Defend my Right to do it... and I have perfectly legitimate evidence to support my stance... but it Really horribly offends another Christian... or a non Christian uses my actions to say,  "See there~ Hypocrite!" or even, "see, I'm a good person, that Christian is no different than me."   Is it Still ok for me?  Nope!  If my words or actions cause someone to stumble, causes a bump in their path, any hindrance in their understanding of God, then it is NOT OK!  I have the Right to do Anything I Choose, but not everything is a Wise and Godly choice because of the effect it will have on others.
1 Corinthians 10:23 (NKJV)  All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.
Now I am not saying that we are to conform to what is Politically Correct. I am saying that, on issues that are Not essential to salvation, not Sinful per se,  then we must do as the bible directs, Shunning any Appearance of evil. We have to avoid things that cause arguments in order to live in peace with our Christian brothers and sisters. That can mean that we have to do, or not do things that we Want.  We have to sacrifice our SELF... hmmm that is starting to sound more and more like what the bible talks about... dying to Self to live with Christ. Are you fighting for your Right to behave the way you Want, while ignoring the effect it has on others? That would be Selfish, and Not loving, and clear Disobedience to God.

So, I Can use the X all I Want! I Can drink a beer! I Can get a tattoo or piercing! But if I know its going to cause a stumbling block in Anyone's path, I Must be willing to put aside my desire...and put others Before myself!

Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 2:39pm

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