And I'll tell you what....

Monday, December 10, 2018

What is Love? part 1

         1 Corinthians 13 is the Go-To chapter about Love, but first, consider this  1 John 4:7-8    Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.  
       If God IS Love, then all of the descriptions and explanations of love are part of the Character of God! Anything described as Love applies to God's response and actions toward us.
      But, this verse tells us to love each other. Not just those in our family or our spouses, but our neighbors (Jesus was pretty clear that our neighbors are not just those in our comfort zone, our church, our circle of friends).
      So, What exactly is Love? The word in the original Greek is Agape, which is also used when God refers to His love for us. Agape means unchanging, self-giving, without expectation of repayment, love that gives in spite of rejection, not giving in order to get something in return, sacrificial, self-denying for the sake of others.
     In 1 Cor. 13. Love is described by Action words, not feeling words. Love isn't that mushy, fluttery Feeling in our tummy.  If love is an Action, that means it is a Choice.  We can Choose to Act out of Love. Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest, in Matt 22. He said loving God was 1st and next? Loving Each other!  Loving God and others fulfills all the laws and prophets, meaning if we love God and Others, we've got it Made in the Shade!      It's obvious that Love is pretty darn important to God, and we Have to remember that if God asks us to do something, then He Makes it Possible.  He doesn't assign us impossible tasks! He gave us a very clear picture of what Love is and is Not in 1 Cor. 13.      
     The first 3 verses of the chapter tells us that all the really great things we could do -prophecy, giving everything away to the poor, move mountains with our faith, get burned alive for following Christ- it really isn't worth Anything if we don't have Love. It's kind of a Big thing! Now we get to the good stuff;
  • not losing heart, 
  • persevering  patiently in enduring misfortunes and troubles, 
  • bearing offenses and injuries with patience, 
  • patiently enduring without avenging wrongs, 
  • not punishing
     We can usually act in love toward our children. Its easier to be patient and kind with children, at least until they are Teenagers!  We don't lose heart when they are stubborn, defiant and rotten to us. We don't hold them away from our hearts when they offend us, we don't take Revenge on them. We are kind to little ones, generously extending good to them, especially the grandbabies!      But... relationships with others- that's often a different story! Even with family and friends, we often develop automatic responses and reactions based on past interactions.  We tend to be kind to those who are kind to us, and patient with those who have been patient with us. We don't easily extend kindness or patience to those who we feel have wronged us in some way. Of Course! That's Human Nature, right? Well, yes, it actually Is human, sinful, selfish nature! If it were our natural inclination to be loving, God wouldn't have needed to Explain it so Clearly throughout the Bible. 
As a matter of fact, 1 Peter 4:8 tells us to keep on loving each other because Love covers a multitude of sins.
   (I have used several translations, commentaries, dictionaries, etc. to be sure of accuracy)
     LOVE IS:
     4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; (new kjv)
      4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant (esv)
1. Patient/long-suffering: long suffering (makrothumeo), <2 Peter 3:9 uses the same word to describe God's actions toward Us>; 
2. Kind: (chresteuomai) showing, using kindness (friendly, generous, considerate) extend good to others
        Loving others sounds like an easy commandment to follow.  After all, as a Christian, we have the love and mercy and forgiveness of God. We live under the grace of the unfailing love of the Almighty. That should Fill our hearts with easy affection for others. Unfortunately, that isn't how it works, once we have been hurt, offended, or rejected. Its easier to put on the Good Christian mask, hiding a frown, while pretending to be pleasant and kind.      
     Once we have put our guard up, prepared to protect ourselves, it becomes much more difficult to Extend true kindness or bear offenses with patience. And Why Should I? "My sister said the most hurtful thing"-  "My dad never had time for me"-  "My spouse has broken my heart, offended, injured me, in So many ways" -  "I Need to be Careful"-   "I'm not going to let him forget that offense"-   "She always gets away with it but not This time"-   "He always gets the recognition at work"-   "They don't deserve another chance"-  "I think he is up to Something"- "I sure won't trust them"-  "I can be patient and kind by Totally Avoiding them!"
     Does any of that sound familiar? It should be obvious, these thoughts are familiar to Me. And I like to think I am actually a loving person?  In case you are thinking, "I'll just work a little harder at being Nice to people, it's 'all good'", we have only covered the first two aspects of LOVE.  
      Please stay tuned, hehehe I have more to say.... I Always have more to say! ;) 

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