And I'll tell you what....

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Pain and forgiveness

quotes from "Soaring Above The Flames (The Flame Series Book 1)" by Ann Ansah-Grant 

"Those who do not have faith blame God or doubt his existence in times of suffering. Those who have faith cling to the Lord even tighter, knowing He is already in the future removing the barriers, clearing a path towards a greater purpose for their pain.”"

"Colossians 3:13 appeared—“Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.” Forgiving her did not make me weak. Rather, my obedience to God as it relates to forgiveness made me powerful because it meant I was more like Him. The burden of lack of forgiveness makes one spiritually sick. It pollutes the spiritual environment and makes it less conducive to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As human beings, we are incapable of forgetting our experiences because God provides us with a memory. Our emotional reaction to those memories is a measure of whether we have truly forgiven those who have wronged us."

I made a conscious choice that day to embark on a journey of forgiveness. When those past memories visit me and they no longer arrive with heavy baggage full of anger, resentment and pain, I will know that I have arrived at the destination.

Quotes and ideas from "Walking through the Flames"

Love comes in the shape of a heart not a fist.And it is not expressed with insults or threats.  Loving lips are not capable of forming profane words to use as a weapon against you. 
Love doesn't make you feel ashamed or ugly.

"I made so many mistakes and now I have to own them."
If God wanted us to Own our mistakes, He wouldn't have paid for them on the cross!  He took ownership of the sins you committed before they even came to pass.  Don't Own your sins, repent of them! Cry out to the Lord with a broken and contrite heart and ask for His forgiveness.  Then release it and sin no more. Micah 7:19 He will turn again, He will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea
The Lord is waiting with anticipation to forgive us. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

What is Love? part 1

         1 Corinthians 13 is the Go-To chapter about Love, but first, consider this  1 John 4:7-8    Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.  
       If God IS Love, then all of the descriptions and explanations of love are part of the Character of God! Anything described as Love applies to God's response and actions toward us.
      But, this verse tells us to love each other. Not just those in our family or our spouses, but our neighbors (Jesus was pretty clear that our neighbors are not just those in our comfort zone, our church, our circle of friends).
      So, What exactly is Love? The word in the original Greek is Agape, which is also used when God refers to His love for us. Agape means unchanging, self-giving, without expectation of repayment, love that gives in spite of rejection, not giving in order to get something in return, sacrificial, self-denying for the sake of others.
     In 1 Cor. 13. Love is described by Action words, not feeling words. Love isn't that mushy, fluttery Feeling in our tummy.  If love is an Action, that means it is a Choice.  We can Choose to Act out of Love. Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest, in Matt 22. He said loving God was 1st and next? Loving Each other!  Loving God and others fulfills all the laws and prophets, meaning if we love God and Others, we've got it Made in the Shade!      It's obvious that Love is pretty darn important to God, and we Have to remember that if God asks us to do something, then He Makes it Possible.  He doesn't assign us impossible tasks! He gave us a very clear picture of what Love is and is Not in 1 Cor. 13.      
     The first 3 verses of the chapter tells us that all the really great things we could do -prophecy, giving everything away to the poor, move mountains with our faith, get burned alive for following Christ- it really isn't worth Anything if we don't have Love. It's kind of a Big thing! Now we get to the good stuff;
  • not losing heart, 
  • persevering  patiently in enduring misfortunes and troubles, 
  • bearing offenses and injuries with patience, 
  • patiently enduring without avenging wrongs, 
  • not punishing
     We can usually act in love toward our children. Its easier to be patient and kind with children, at least until they are Teenagers!  We don't lose heart when they are stubborn, defiant and rotten to us. We don't hold them away from our hearts when they offend us, we don't take Revenge on them. We are kind to little ones, generously extending good to them, especially the grandbabies!      But... relationships with others- that's often a different story! Even with family and friends, we often develop automatic responses and reactions based on past interactions.  We tend to be kind to those who are kind to us, and patient with those who have been patient with us. We don't easily extend kindness or patience to those who we feel have wronged us in some way. Of Course! That's Human Nature, right? Well, yes, it actually Is human, sinful, selfish nature! If it were our natural inclination to be loving, God wouldn't have needed to Explain it so Clearly throughout the Bible. 
As a matter of fact, 1 Peter 4:8 tells us to keep on loving each other because Love covers a multitude of sins.
   (I have used several translations, commentaries, dictionaries, etc. to be sure of accuracy)
     LOVE IS:
     4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; (new kjv)
      4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant (esv)
1. Patient/long-suffering: long suffering (makrothumeo), <2 Peter 3:9 uses the same word to describe God's actions toward Us>; 
2. Kind: (chresteuomai) showing, using kindness (friendly, generous, considerate) extend good to others
        Loving others sounds like an easy commandment to follow.  After all, as a Christian, we have the love and mercy and forgiveness of God. We live under the grace of the unfailing love of the Almighty. That should Fill our hearts with easy affection for others. Unfortunately, that isn't how it works, once we have been hurt, offended, or rejected. Its easier to put on the Good Christian mask, hiding a frown, while pretending to be pleasant and kind.      
     Once we have put our guard up, prepared to protect ourselves, it becomes much more difficult to Extend true kindness or bear offenses with patience. And Why Should I? "My sister said the most hurtful thing"-  "My dad never had time for me"-  "My spouse has broken my heart, offended, injured me, in So many ways" -  "I Need to be Careful"-   "I'm not going to let him forget that offense"-   "She always gets away with it but not This time"-   "He always gets the recognition at work"-   "They don't deserve another chance"-  "I think he is up to Something"- "I sure won't trust them"-  "I can be patient and kind by Totally Avoiding them!"
     Does any of that sound familiar? It should be obvious, these thoughts are familiar to Me. And I like to think I am actually a loving person?  In case you are thinking, "I'll just work a little harder at being Nice to people, it's 'all good'", we have only covered the first two aspects of LOVE.  
      Please stay tuned, hehehe I have more to say.... I Always have more to say! ;) 

Sunday, December 9, 2018


     I'm sure we have all heard the anger and hostility by Christians regarding the use of Xmas.  Is the use of "Xmas" a way to leave Christ out of Christmas?  It appears that in today's culture it is usually taken that way, and generally viewed as a quick way to remove Christ.  I had to do a little research, curious where the whole Xmas thing started. So where did it come from?  Whew... interesting stuff here!

Image result for chi-rho The Greek word Christ is written  ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ .  Notice that if you place the first two letters, ΧΡ, and overlay them, you have a symbol, the Chi-Rho. ΧΡ, Chi Rho gained widespread popularity and found much use by the Christians after it was adopted by the  Roman military commander, Emperor Constantine I as a military banner. Constantine said the symbol appeared to him in a dream before the Battle of the Milivian Bridge in 312 A.D. He put this Christian symbol on his soldiers’ shields. His army won the battle, Constantine legalized the religion of Christianity across the Roman Empire, and the Chi-Rho has continued to be widely used in Christian art and literature since that time.  The symbol XP (Chi-Rho) has been in common use by Christians for about 1700 years now. 

     Chi, X,meaning Christ, as an abbreviation, really came into common usage in the 13th century, especially with the advent of the printing press. Since the printing press required each letter to be set by hand, abbreviations were very common.  So Christianity, Christian, Christmas became Xianity, Xian, and Xmas.  As a matter of fact, the name Christina was very commonly written as Xtina. The X part of the words were pronounced as Christ...not X.    In many manuscripts of the New Testament, X abbreviates Christos (Xristos). In ancient Christian art X and XP abbreviate his name. This practice entered the Old English language as early as AD 100. Even Wycliff used X as an abbreviation for Christ.
    With this history in mind, originally Xmas was in No way an attempt to Remove Christ.  It was the most Common practice of abbreviating the name of Christ.  In fact, the symbolism was a way of honoring of Christ, as the symbol was in reference to the original language of His name.  
     So, how does that fit in today?  I personally wouldn't use the term Xmas simply because the modern connotations of the term.  Christians and non-Christians alike are unaware of the history, and it is commonly perceived as a removal of Christ.  I don't want to support that misconception.  
     Once again, we have allowed the secular world to steal one of the wonderful symbols of our faith.  It once made a statement to wear a cross, but gang members and rappers have giant gold crosses hanging around their necks while they spout the most horrifying garbage. Rainbows, a promise from God, now symbolizes homosexuality.  The shamrock, used by St. Patrick as a way to explain the Trinity, has become a symbol of the Irish. Angels and butterflies have both been symbols of Christianity, but not anymore. Our Christian symbols have been appropriated by rappers, pagans, other religions, and the LGBT community. I wonder if it is even possible to reclaim our Christian symbols? 
   I find it ironic that someone using the term Xmas thinks they are removing Christ and yet they are actually using an ancient symbol of Christ.  The Intended Insult, removing Christ, really Isn't an insult but a return to our Christian symbolic roots!!  Knowing the facts and the rich history behind the X, makes me wish we could recover the original symbolism, but it's not likely I suppose.  
     So when I see someone using the X, I am pretty Likely to go ahead and explain it to them!!!  But I won't be using the controversial X except within a group that understands the the history!

Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 2:29pm

To X or not to X

    My last note was a quick history of the X used in Xmas so the question remains, do we X or not? My personal view comes down to this, no matter what my belief is on the usage of the X, I can't in good conscience use it.  Since it is a point of controversy with so many, it would be completely wrong of me to use it. It can easily offend Christians who view it as a removal of "Christ", and non believers can see it as another way Christians are wishy-washy about Jesus. 
    The issue becomes the way it is Viewed, instead of whether it is right or wrong. The Bible addresses This issue directly.  Some of the early Christians were eating food that other Christians thought was unclean.  Is it right or wrong?? they wanted to know! Why? So they could point at the others and Accuse them! Which is the bigger problem, the accusing and dissension or the eating "bad" food? The Bible says it might be Lawful to eat it, as in other areas, we might be Ok in doing something, but if its going to cause a problem, then Don't Do it! 
    How does that apply now? It might not be a Sin to dress a certain way, celebrate a holiday in a certain way, use certain language, drink alcohol, get a tattoo, read a certain book...Oh, the list is endless. If God has not specifically lined out His standard regarding one of the hundreds of things we Christians argue about, then we have to use the discernment the Lord puts within each of us. Suppose I think something is perfectly fine.  It's not a sin as far as I can ascertain, after seeking the Lord's guidance (and I mean Truly Seeking Him, not just assuming He's ok with it cause I didn't get struck by lightening!)  So, I go and do that thing... and even Defend my Right to do it... and I have perfectly legitimate evidence to support my stance... but it Really horribly offends another Christian... or a non Christian uses my actions to say,  "See there~ Hypocrite!" or even, "see, I'm a good person, that Christian is no different than me."   Is it Still ok for me?  Nope!  If my words or actions cause someone to stumble, causes a bump in their path, any hindrance in their understanding of God, then it is NOT OK!  I have the Right to do Anything I Choose, but not everything is a Wise and Godly choice because of the effect it will have on others.
1 Corinthians 10:23 (NKJV)  All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.
Now I am not saying that we are to conform to what is Politically Correct. I am saying that, on issues that are Not essential to salvation, not Sinful per se,  then we must do as the bible directs, Shunning any Appearance of evil. We have to avoid things that cause arguments in order to live in peace with our Christian brothers and sisters. That can mean that we have to do, or not do things that we Want.  We have to sacrifice our SELF... hmmm that is starting to sound more and more like what the bible talks about... dying to Self to live with Christ. Are you fighting for your Right to behave the way you Want, while ignoring the effect it has on others? That would be Selfish, and Not loving, and clear Disobedience to God.

So, I Can use the X all I Want! I Can drink a beer! I Can get a tattoo or piercing! But if I know its going to cause a stumbling block in Anyone's path, I Must be willing to put aside my desire...and put others Before myself!

Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 2:39pm

Friday, November 2, 2018

Thou Shalt not Judge

      It always cracks me up to hear this! As soon as you Dare to tell someone they might be doing something wrong..."Thou shall not Judge" !!!   Ok, it is Close to an actual Bible quote but not Quite!  The interesting thing is that we hear this pseudo-quote from those who really have No understanding of the scripture. They seem to Want this verse (Matt. 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.) to mean that we should just accept Any lifestyle choice, sin or rebellion in which a person wishes to participate. 

      Jesus didn't just say, Don't judge, but He made His meaning clear by continuing on with explaining that we will be judged by the same measure, whether the measure is one of Justice or a measure of Mercy. Furthermore, while we are pointing out the splinter in someone else's eye, we have a big old log in our own. Our "caring" action of "helping" our brother with his splinter shows us to be hypocrites.  We can't possibly hope to offer assistance to anyone with a splinter while we have that big log in the way.  Even if we manage to get that Log out, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of splinters left over!!  This still leaves us in a position in which we are not worthy to judge others. 

     As Christians, we are Often accused of Judging others. Usually we are accused by people who don't wish to be held accountable for their actions. But these are Not the only people we are guilty of judging. Sadly, I have to admit that we are probably doing a Lot more judging that we Realize.   And to top it off, we may be judging those we love as often, and as harshly, as the worst of "sinners."
      So, what exactly is "judging"?  The dictionary says that to Judge is to form an opinion, a conclusion, or give a verdict. That seems pretty straightforward.  Jesus commanded us not to judge others and we Believe we are pretty good about not being Too judgmental.  I found some things we need to consider.

· We break this command when we think the worst of others.
· We break this command when we only speak to others of their faults.
· We break this command when we judge an entire life only by its worst moments.
· We break this command when we judge the hidden motives of others.
· We break this command when we judge others without considering ourselves in their same circumstances.
WHOA!!  Hang on a second, "think the worst"? only point out faults?  judge the hidden motives?   judge by the worst moments, their biggest mistakes/ sins?  

How often do we believe we Know the motives behind another's actions?  Is there someone you only view as a list of Faults?  What about the person that you always Expect the very worst out of them?

Ok, so we judge and we aren't supposed to, but how can we stop it?
The answer is clear and concise, but its not Easy!  
     Mark 12:29-31 love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’   This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
To make this even more clear, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7  explains Exactly what Love is all about.  
      4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love answers the problem of judging others, as well as many of our other sinful thoughts and actions.  (1 Peter 4:8)
Now all we have to do is figure out how to really Love others as much as we love ourselves.


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Characteristics of a "Christian"

The Characteristics of a "Christian"

  1. Attentive to Christ's voice ( John 10:3,4)
  2. Blameless and harmless (Philippians 2:15)
  3. Bold (Proverbs 28:1; Romans 13:3)
  4. Contrite (Isaiah 57:15;66:2)
  5. Devout (Acts 8:2;22:12)
  6. Faithful (Revelation 17:14)
  7. Fearing God (Matthew 3:16; Acts 10:2)
  8. Following Christ ( John 10:4,27)
  9. Godly (Psalms 4:3; 2 Peter 2:9)
  10. Guileless ( 2 John 1:47)
  11. Holy (Deuteronomy 7:6;14:2; Colossians 3:12)
  12. Humble (Psalms 34:2; 1 Peter 5:5)
  13. Hungering after righteousness (Matthew 5:6)
  14. Just (Genesis 6:9; Habakkuk 2:4; Luke 2:25)
  15. Led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14)
  16. Liberal (Isaiah 32:8; 2 Corinthians 9:13)
  17. Loving (Colossians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:9)
  18. Lowly (Proverbs 16:19)
  19. Meek (Isaiah 29:19; Matthew 5:5)
  20. Merciful (Psalms 37:26; Matthew 5:7)
  21. New Creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10)
  22. Obedient (Romans 16:19; 1 Peter 1:14)
  23. Poor in spirit (Psalms 51:17; Matthew 5:3)
  24. Prudent (Proverbs 16:21)
  25. Pure in heart (Matthew 5:8; 1 John 3:3)
  26. Righteous (Isaiah 60:21; Luke 1:6)
  27. Sincere (2 Corinthians 1:12;2:17)
  28. Steadfast (Acts 2:42; Colossians 2:5)
  29. Taught of God (Isaiah 54:13; 1 John 2:27)
  30. True (1 Corinthians 6:8)
  31. Undefiled (Psalms 119:1)
  32. Upright (1 Kings 3:6; Psalms 15:2)
  33. Watchful (Luke 12:37)
  34. Zealous of good works (Titus 2:14;3:8)

Truth, Tolerance and Consequences

Truth or Tolerance

Is there any such thing as absolute Truth? Can we know the truth? As Christians, we believe there is, in fact, an absolute truth, and the truth is knowable.
     Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6    This statement is absolute. One way, One Truth... (When I talk about" Christians", or "Christianity", I am referring only to those who accept this statement as truth.)
     So the next question would be; If there is Truth, and it is clearly defined, then what is Anything that falls outside these boundaries? Naturally it would be False.  Intentional falsehood is a Lie.
     Ok, so we have true or false; truth or lies. How can we know, for sure, which is which? Thankfully, we have a standard of measurement in the Word of God. We know that the Word of God is True.  If the Word is true, then whatever is different/in conflict or opposition is logically False.
      Now that we have that all straight...hehehe
Tolerance: from Webster....sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own   b: the act of allowing something: the allowable deviation from a standard;  Please Note these key words:  Differing, Conflicting and Deviation
     Well now that I have stirred up this pot a bit. What do we stand for?  Truth or tolerance? Can we go along with the "Tolerance" philosophy in regards to morals, ethics, religion? Do all roads lead to the same place? Are we all worshiping the same God just with different names?

Truth or Consequences
     So what?? As long as I have my mind centered on Christ and I am truly trying to follow His ways, does it matter if I use the meditation methods taught by Transcendental Meditation? Does it matter if I am focused on God but I am using exercises and techniques from yoga?   If I am working to make my marriage or relationships more Godly, can't I incorporate the ideas and knowledge of psychology to help me?  Does any of that make a difference if God sees our intentions/or hearts, then won't it be ok?   I mean, I'm not going to be worshiping other gods, or anything like that! Its not like we can be held accountable if we Accidentally or unknowingly participate in something wrong!! And a little tiny bit isn't going to hurt me anyway, cause I have a strong walk with the Lord!!
    Here's where I go back to my cookie dough analogy! Imagine...yuuummm... cookies! Cookie dough with big chocolate chunks and all the finest ingredients. But, unknown to you, someone has put in  5 small chocolate chips that look no different from the rest. These 5 little chips each contain the Ebola virus. They are Almost exactly like the rest of the chips, and look, taste and smell so close that it would be Very difficult to distinguish them. Ahhh I can smell the warm, wonderful aroma of baking cookies! OOo they look Delicious!!! Here, have one. What???? You don't want any? Why not?  Oh, there are Only 5 tainted chips in the whole quadruple batch!  You probably won't even get one in your cookie!  Oh, you don't want to miss out on these wonderful cookies just because you Might mistakenly get a little Ebola!!! There is soooo much other Good stuff in there!
     Still don't want one? But you could probably tell if there was a tainted chip, you might be able to pick it out before you swallow it. Just suppose now, you go ahead, sure that you can distinguish the Bad chips. (But you Can't!!!) 
     Oh NO! You have just eaten one while enjoying the rest of the cookie or two or Three!!! Yummmy! Yep it was worth the risk! OOOO those were Delicious! Meanwhile, that little poison chip has been ingested, is now being absorbed and its ingredients are spreading through your body.  You don't even Know it yet!!! You feel Great! Happy and satisfied. Meanwhile, the Ebola virus is infecting your bloodstream and is spreading to every area of your body. Eventually the results will be Obvious, even though they aren't right now!!!
     Did it matter? Did that one little chip make a difference? You Bet your life!!!   All the good ingredients and your general good health won't stop it from infecting your entire body. You can't say you weren't warned it was in there somewhere, but you Chose to eat that cookie!
     Is there a warning label on religious or un-Godly practices? Well, Yes! Let's look at the old Testament for a minute. Its one long story of how God Repeatedly warned His people to stay away from every other religion, to have Nothing to do with them, remove all trace of their religions. And what happened? Over and over and over, they said, "Oh it's ok, it's just a little. It's ok, there are just a few people who practice that religion. Oh ,we can spot the wrong and make sure we don't do it."
     How did that work out for them? We all know, they got all messed up, ended up worshiping idols, practicing false religions, wandering away from God. They didn't think it would happen that way! Their intentions were not to stray from God! But it happened anyway, Repeatedly. 
     Can we learn a lesson from their mistakes? The evidence is pretty clear. I think we can make some conclusions about the effects of "just a little". It didn't work for the Jews, and it won't work for us!
        So, how much Ebola do you want in your cookie dough?
                 How much false religion do you want in your spiritual life?
 The answer should be...NONE, Zip, Zero, Zilch... not a Speck, not a Molecule! Nada! Just say NO!
 (please note...usually I am Much more crass and use the analogy of dog poop instead of ebola!!)

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lies vs truths

10 Lies We Believe (and Scriptures to Combat Them!)

1. I am not good enough.(You are a royal daughter of the King. 1 Peter 2:9)

2. I might fail. (God goes before you and doesn’t want you to worry! Deuteronomy 3:18)

3.  I might not have enough money. (God is Jehovahthat means provider. He will  meet all of your needs for His glory! Philippians 4:19)

4. There seems to be no way. This is impossible.(Jesus IS the WAY. John 14:6)

5. How will I make it? Which way should I go?(Pray to God, He will show the right path. Seek His word; it will light your way. Psalm 119:105)

6. I am not pretty enough or the right weight. (God knit you in your mother’s womb and YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made! Jeremiah 1, Psalm 139)

7. I might mess up my future. (God knows His plans for you to prosper YOU and not for evil or harm! Believe that! Trust in God! Jeremiah 29:11)

8. I can sin and no one will know. (God sees all things and knows all things. Romans 6:23, Job 28:24)

9. There won’t be a consequence for my sin.(God is our Father and disciplines those He LOVES. When He corrects you, it is for YOUR good. Proverbs 3:12)

10. I am a failure. God doesn’t love me. (God SO LOVED YOU He sent and GAVE His ONE and only Son Jesus to die for your sins on the cross. There is no condemnation in Christ–You are healed by the blood of Jesus on Calvary. John 3:16)

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” –Deuteronomy 3:10

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Am I Selfish?

1 Corinthians 10:24(ESV) 24 Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.
James 3:16 (ESV)16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
Luke 6:32-34(ESV)  32 “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.
Philippians 2:3-4(ESV)  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Galatians 5:26(ESV)  26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7(ESV) Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogantor rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[b] it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.