And I'll tell you what....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Exodus 1-15 (Day 5 B90)

First thing I noticed today was that these people were Still in Egypt?  Why were they there?  They knew all about God's promises and the land and all.  So why, after the famine, didn't they go home? God had a bigger and better plan anyway!  He was going to use His people to make a Huge statement, to them and to Egypt (and to Everyone after that time!)
I love ch 2:24-25  God listened, God remembered, God Saw, God understood.  Wow!  He hears us, sees us, remembers us, and Understands us!  So God shows Moses the burning bush, the staff/snake and the leprosy hand and Moses is Still arguing!  First he blames Them... they won't listen, they won't believe etc.  then if finally comes down to the real issue...the problem is with Mo...he is Scared and insecure!  Hmmm does this hit home or What!
God proves Himself over and over and over!  Promises, plagues, signs, pillars of fire, death, rescue, material goods (from the Egyptians) ... over and over He says  I am God!  I am God!  Look what I just did, I Am God!  See what I will do next..I Am God!  Living through the plagues and everything that happened would seem to instill a Deep abiding trust and faith in God, after the Red Sea, they are all Singing about how Awesome God is, and then... just 3 days into the desert, and they are whining and complaining that God can't really provide, He isn't paying attention, He isn't to be trusted and we were better off in Egypt... I guess freedom is scary.  Sometimes its easier to stay in Bondage than to actively place our trust, our lives in God's hands.

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