And I'll tell you what....

Monday, October 4, 2010


Genesis 28-40   A couple things struck me as interesting...hehehe well a bunch did but some more than others, so I'm not doing a book report today!
Laban and Jacob.  Jacob had been there 20 years and when he packed up and took off, Laban came after him, offended that he was sneaking out.  Obviously Laban felt justified in his anger...righteous indignation? Then the boys go and retaliate on the whole town for the rape of their sister... righteous indignation?  From a very distant perspective we can see that Maybe they over-reacted... but they had a Reason to be upset or offended right??
  Interesting that the whole big list of everyone's genealogy, and this was all written down by Moses, a LONG time later.  Have heard it said that the Old Testament isn't to be taken literally as it is just the "stories" or traditional tales of the Jews but I can't see that listing all the genealogies would be stories that I would be passing along to the kids. I know that cultures depending on oral histories did carry much of the family lines and all, but this list includes the people of the surrounding area, not just the direct descendants of Abraham.
 On to good old Joe.  I'm not finished with his story yet but the very first thing that struck me and I may be reading into this but... his brothers hated him, and he went bragging about his dreams (repeatedly!).  Why did his brothers hate him?  It does say they are jealous, and they were offended that he would dare to say he would rule over them.  They all knew he was the favorite.  So, they had Reason to be offended ... they were ticked off that he thought he was so much better than them.  Hmmmm

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow! Hmmmm is right. Righteous indignation. Hmmmm.
