And I'll tell you what....

Saturday, October 9, 2010


After giving all the rules and rituals, it was time to get things organized.  The people needed to have Assigned Seating or they would fight, they had to have leaders and everyone had to have specific jobs, or they would fight. Needed bugles to be blown, a cloud to lead them and tell them when to go.  And still they grumbled.  
     They must have really thought being a slave in Egypt was a good deal! In Ch. 11 Mo finally says, God, why don't you just kill me now!  I can't lead these people!  I really liked (ch 12) when it says that Moses was a quietly humble man, more humble than anyone on earth.
     So, Aaron and Miriam are chatting and griping and questioning Moses' authority (cause of his Wife)  Interesting thing is that God zapped Miriam (not Aaron) with leprosy.  I was wondering why it was just Miriam, then I got to thinking about how the conversation probably went. I'm thinking Aaron might have kinda gotten led into that.  He doesn't seem to be one that is big on standing up for what is right (ie. gold calf).  So ole Miriam starts in about Mo's wife, Aaron doesn't argue, so she just keeps talking, making it bigger and bigger.  Yep, thinking the woman talked herself into leprosy.  I'm also thinking that I am Sure Glad leprosy isn't really a problem around here!!!!
     Ch 14 is where they finally fixed themselves pretty good.  None of the people rescued from Egypt gets to go into the promised land.  Why?  After seeing all that God had done, and all He had promised; there they were, right There, on the border, ready to walk on in. God had already done a ridiculous number of miracles, reiterated His promises about the land, fed and watered the people and all their animals, and then, when they are Just about to walk in, they stopped and decided that they couldn't Trust God any further.  
     They were wailing and crying that they were all going to die.  .. um... if God said He was gonna give this place to you, then how could it be that they were all going to die?  Oh, yeah, God's gonna arrange all this, plagues, miracles, promises and then just leave you hanging at the last minute?  Of course, if I am realistic with myself, I can see it.  God leads me right to the edge and at the last second I freak out and say... I can't see Any way this can work!!!  God!!!  What did you Do??  ~I led you here, and will take care of you~ Its toooo hard, its too scary, I don't have enough money, I don't have time, I Can't Do it!!!

Bit of interest.... Tassels... ok, the tent and all the gold, the cloud/fire, the daily manna, all that isn't enough to remind you of ME... tie on a tassel so every time you see it you will think of ME... I am God, your God, a Personal God. I am here with YOU...not just with "the people" but with YOU! You won't get distracted by everything you feel or see that seduces you into sin.

    So they go along a little further and start griping again.  I don't know, I think if I was Mo I would have just let them Suffer, let whatever plague or problem just spank them all, but good!!!  (guess I am not the quietly humble man he was)  I can't blame Moses for getting miffed.  He was just supposed to speak to the rock, but instead he goes and rounds up all the people and says "Listen, rebels!!  Do we have to bring water out of this rock for you?" Like, "look here, I'm proving Myself to you"  Slams his staff on the rock a couple of times and water comes out.  I bet the people were pretty impressed.  God...not so much.  hehehe  Mo dissed God.  
     After reading this story, I can't say I would be too anxious to take credit for what God has done.  Yet we see it all the time.  "I worked hard for this, I invested wisely, I planned ahead, I laid my hands on, I prayed, I counseled, I did this and that..." There are two aspects to the problem, I think. 1. The need to be in control and 2. The need for importance, validation, honor, praise.  But no matter how you slice it, We can't claim any part of the things God has done for us. He's giving us our very lives, health, children, spouse, family, homes, clothes, food, freedom, freedom to worship God, freedom to read His word, sunshine, rain, stars, flowers, horses (that was for Caitie), coffee.  We couldn't do anything to deserve His allowing us to even Exist!  Yep, the Israelites really weren't so different from Us.  

I LOVE this!  what a wonderful prayer/blessing (ch 6:24-26)

24 “The LORD bless you and keep you;
 25 The LORD make His face shine upon you,
      And be gracious to you;
 26 The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
      And give you peace.”

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