And I'll tell you what....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Harsh Truth or Sweet Lies

Monday, January 10, 2011 at 10:18pm
A recent conversation I had was disturbing to me; it seemed as though the idea was that  the delivery in which words are spoken, is equally as important as the message and if the words are harsh, this means they are Not spoken from a heart of Love.
This is a common way of thinking, everything we do or say must be Pretty and sweet, but that isn't always the way... sometimes the delivery of a message has to be Direct and Forceful. The Message is the Most important point!!!  Even if the words are not sweet,  the truth just isn't always Pretty or Comfortable!!!  The sweetest words can sting if the message is one of correction or reproof.  A parable.. a woman has two friends... "How do I Look today?"  One says," Oh Wow you are looking so awesome, so cute and you just Rock that skirt!" and the other says "That really isn't a flattering outfit, and your skirt is stuck in the back of your pantyhose!"  Which friend truly Loves???

Just a few quick references to words spoken by Jesus...
Jesus spoke differently to different people, and didn't always approach and respond to them in the same way - and it always depended upon all kinds of varying factors. It never was black and white.
 So what about Jesus' interaction with self-righteous people and hypocrites (essentially one in the same)? It seems as if these people bugged Jesus the most, and He often had more than a mouthful to say to them.
Matthew 3:7 Pharisees and Sadducees were showing up for a baptismal experience because it was becoming the popular thing to do, he exploded: "Brood of snakes! What do you think you're doing slithering down here to the river? Do you think a little water on your snakeskins is going to make any difference? It's your life that must change, not your skin!
Matt 23:25-27"You're hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun, while the insides are maggoty with your greed and gluttony. Stupid Pharisee! Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something.
 27-28"You're hopeless, you religious scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You're like manicured grave plots, grass clipped and the flowers bright, but six feet down it's all rotting bones and worm-eaten flesh. People look at you and think you're saints, but beneath the skin you're total frauds.

Jesus didn't always use sweet words, particularly when He was speaking to those who had hardened their hearts and refused to hear.
Sometimes the direct approach is the only way to shake up the hearing into paying attention.  That is not to say that we can just go blast everyone when we don't agree.  However, if I see someone in the path of an oncoming train, I don't think I'm going to be sweetly, lovingly gentle and soft as I suggest, kindly, that they might, possibly, think about moving.  Especially if I had already attempted that approach, while the train is still rumbling this way. There comes a time to yell "Hey you Dope...MOVE!"
Without truth, love is empty.  Love may also be harsh, when needed. I love my children very much, but that does not mean that I will not discipline them when I need too. Love is tough sometimes.  In the same way, the Lord Jesus sometimes told people harsh truths about themselves instead of being like some of us who think that "love" means to just affirm people in their actions even if those actions are leaving them standing in front of the oncoming train.
I am willing to spend the time, prayer and study to advise or correct someone in the nicest possible way, when I am sure they aren't in Immediate danger of being hit by the Train!!  No, I can't force anyone to listen. Moses tried asking nicely, then warned him, but the pharaoh Refused to hear.  There comes a point, when you have tried and tried but the message is still rejected, that speaking in sweet, assuring, compassionate terms isn't working.  Sometimes, you just have to say it Like it Is, not sugar-coated, just the hard truth.  And, yes, sometimes that means rejection. I'm willing to back away and pray the Lord will open hearts, After I feel that I've been honest, truthful.  LOL yep sometimes I pray that God will lead someone else to guide that person!
2 Timothy 4:3   3 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.

Krissy's reply

Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Well said Stephi. Matthew Henry would add, in his commentary on ...this verse, "Christians should not faint under their trials. Though their enemies and persecutors may be instruments to inflict sufferings, yet they are Divine chastisements; their heavenly Father has his hand in all, and his wise end to answer by all. ... Our earthly parents sometimes may chasten us, to gratify their passion, rather than to reform our manners. But the Father of our souls never willingly grieves nor afflicts his children. It is always for our profit. Our whole life here is a state of childhood, and imperfect as to spiritual things; therefore we must submit to the discipline of such a state. ... Let us then learn to consider the afflictions brought on us by the malice of men, as corrections sent by our wise and gracious Father, for our spiritual good." I have to agree, to take everything, whether harsh truth, or persecution, as from the Lord and prayerfully let Him correct our ways to His glory.

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