And I'll tell you what....

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Job is Much more fun in the Message version. It's so much easier to follow the long diatribes by everyone!  
     Job is one stubborn guy!  Even after his friends come to "help" him, he sticks with his story that he didn't sin to cause all the trouble!  On top of all the loss and sickness, his friends, and, obviously, the rest of the town, believe he is hiding some secret sin in his life.  
      Job mentions his Reputation over and over.  I found that pretty interesting, he was Very concerned with his reputation. He was very worried about what other people thought.  It was a Big deal to him.  It's really not so different with us today!  What will people think, what will everyone at church say?  
     I loved when he tells his friends even If he were to stand before God "Not Guilty", God still has the Right to judge him!  And then he asks for someone to Intercede for him, someone to be his advocate, his attorney, so to speak.  Which brings us to the new testament telling us that Jesus is Our advocate!!  Woo Hoo!  That is some awesome news when you think about it!  
I can't wait to get into Psalms and Proverbs!!!

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