And I'll tell you what....

Monday, November 8, 2010

Job and Psalms

     Job~ We need to read God's answer to Job, over and over!  Remind us Who He is!  I had to ask, What's the point of Job?  He learned the hard way that suffering is not only for those who "deserve" it, but for everyone, maybe more for the righteous (we Do have an enemy that Hates us).  
     The issue is really Not about how to alleviate the suffering, or figure out the reason for it, or find the greater purpose in it.  The issue is ~ Do we choose to find God within the pain?  There may be no rescue or restoration, there may never be an explanation, we may never see how the tragedy fits into God's plan, but we Can still stand fast in the knowledge that our God is right there with us. He sustains us through the pain, and will comfort us, lead us and bless us.  He may not  cure the disease, shower us with financial blessings, heal our children, or remove the cause of the pain, but He doesn't leave us to face it alone.  
     I always try to find the Reason behind the situation; what God is trying to teach me here, but sometimes it's just that there is Sin in the world.  There is pain, suffering and loss.  That's just the way of the world.  It's hard for me to accept that there might not be a purpose, a point to the whole thing!  
     It takes an adjustment of perspective, from "What's the point? What is God trying to teach me?"  ~ Instead~ "How do I respond to this pain? How do I act and feel?  How do I continue to praise the Lord, and seek Him and Accept that the "rain falls on the just and the unjust."

Oh, and Psalms in the message...Lame!  All the poetry and beauty is lost somehow... I will be reading it in KJV...back to message for proverbs maybe. 

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