And I'll tell you what....

Monday, November 8, 2010


Reading in the New KJV... much better than the Message!  It's hard to read this quickly because there are just So many awesome passages!  I think it's interesting that all the songs/choruses I remember from as a kid are from Psalms.  I wish I could sing/play so I could teach all these to my kids!  So many verses that I recall were songs!  My next reading plan is going to have to include reading some of Psalms every day.
      David spends a lot of time repenting and praising the Lord, but I noticed also that he keeps asking God for justice for those who have wronged him.  I always thought it was wrong to ask the Lord to stick it to the bad guys but David did it. Not that That makes it right, but it shows the human side.  We want those who have done us wrong to get what they Deserve, yet we are pretty quick to ask God Not to give Us what We deserve.  
     Another point that sticks out to me is that David isn't just asking for God to take care of him, personally, but for his people.  He intercedes for his people.  We all need to be doing that too!  
I'm having a real hard time just reading through Psalms, cause I want to stop and Study, focus, memorize... 

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