And I'll tell you what....

Friday, November 19, 2010

Proverbs and the Message bible

Psalms, I want to go back and study more, but Proverbs and Ecclesiastes!!!  Wow!!  
I read some of Prov. in KJV and some in NKJV and some in Message.  
                  The Message cracks me up!! 
Prov 10:1 Wise son, glad father; stupid son, sad mother.  
Prov 18:13  Answering before listening is both stupid and rude. (need to make my dear daughter memorize that!!)  
Prov 19:22 Its only human to want to make a buck, but its better to  be poor than a liar.  
Prov 21:23 Watch your words and hold your toungue; you'll save yourself a lot of grief.   
Prov 24:26 An honest answer is like a warm hug.   
Prov 26:17 You grab a mad dog by the ears when you butt into a quarrel that's none of your business.

*** Proverbs 27:14 If you wake your friend in the early morning by shouting "Rise and shine!" It will sound to him (Her) more like a curse than a blessing.

Prov 30:13 Don't be stuck-up and think you're better than everyone else.
                       and my favorite for the day....
Prov 30:18-19 The Four Mysteries :  Three things amaze me, no, four things I'll never understand - how an eagle flies so high in the sky,  how a snake glides over a rock,  how a ship navigates the ocean,  why adolescents act the way they do.

I laughed out loud there!!  Most other translations say something along the lines of a man loving a woman (virgin) or how people fall in love, Young's literal says a man in youth.  I guess I should break out the KJV with strong's and do some research!
      But its still funny in the message!

Ecclesiastes... that is a whole other thing.  Not sure how to take all of it together, but I had a few things jump out.  Again, they are kinda funny in the Message, so irreverent for deep meaningful wise statements!  

Ecc. 7:14 On a good day, enjoy yourself; On a bad day, examine your conscience. 
   God arranges for both kinds of days So that we won't take anything for granted.

Now Song of Solomon... whew... I feel a cavity coming on...diabetic shock!  I do like that he calls her a dove, that's really sweet, and she is all "come to me my wild stag, leaping on ?delectable? mountains"  and I don't get how her hair is like a flock of goats.  Have you ever smelled goats?  and breasts are fawns... that is just weird and later they turn into figs... anyway... its all good mushy love story stuff and I really just don't get it.  
On to Isaiah.   I am a day behind right now.  Its day 48 I think.  

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